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From CODECS: Online Database and e-Resources for Celtic Studies

Results (11)
Flood, Victoria, “Prophecy as history: a new study of the Prophecies of Merlin Silvester”, Neophilologus 102 (2018): 543–559.
Sayers, William, “The maritime and nautical vocabulary of Le voyage de saint Brendan”, Neophilologus 97 (2013): 9–19.
Boyd, Matthieu, “Melion and the wolves of Ireland”, Neophilologus 93 (2009): 555–570.
When the werewolf protagonist of the Old French lay of Melion recruits a band of other wolves in order to lay waste to Ireland, this activity—unique to Melion—is informed by the medieval Irish view of díberg ‘(wolf-like) brigandage’. These aspects of Melion’s setting and plot are major developments in the medieval werewolf tale most famously attested in Marie de France’s Bisclavret. The case of Melion has profound implications for understanding Celtic influence on Francophone literature in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.
Bray, Dorothy Ann, “A woman’s loss and lamentation: Heledd’s song and ‘The wife’s lament’”, Neophilologus 79:1 (Jan., 1995): 147–154.
Hamel, A. G. van, “Arthur van Britannië en Aneirin”, Neophilologus 28:3 (1943): 218–228.
Hamel, A. G. van, “De Iersche reis van Olaf de Pauw”, Neophilologus 20:1 (1934): 41–50.
Hamel, A. G. van, “Koning Arthur’s vader”, Neophilologus 12:1 (1926): 34–41.
 : <link>
Zanden, Cornelis Mattheus van der, “Un chapitre intéressant de la Topographia Hibernica et le Tracatus de purgatorio sancti Patricii”, Neophilologus 12 (1926): 132–137.
Journal volume:  Internet Archive: <link>
Chotzen, Th. M. Th., “Un ancien fragment de Colloques en gallois”, Neophilologus 12 (1926): 210–218.
Journal volume:  Internet Archive: <link>
Hamel, A. G. van, “Tondalus' visioen en Patricius' vagevuur”, Neophilologus 4 (1919): 152–165.
Hamel, A. G. van, “Gotica”, Neophilologus 1 (1916): 254–263.
Internet Archive: <link>

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